June 18, 2020

Energize Delaware’s Empowerment Grant Program has recently launched a $1 million Community-Scale grant with applications currently being accepted.  The program will allow qualified civic organizations, non-profit groups, businesses, municipalities, or associations the opportunity for awards ranging from $5,000 to $100,000 over a 1-2-year period with a rolling application deadline.

The grant funds will support the selected organizations in delivering energy efficiency programs and energy saving educational opportunities to low-income ratepayers located in Delmarva Power’s Delaware service territory

Empowerment Grant Manager Jim Purcell explained, “The recent COVID-19 pandemic has opened our eyes to how our communities are suffering from severe health, economic and social impacts.  Often overlooked are the significant and long-lasting financial benefits that energy efficiency projects can provide.  It is our hope that the Community-Scale Grant will provide relief to the burden of utility costs and offer support to achieve income security for low-income communities.”

Interested agencies can review the Grant Application on the Empowerment Grant website at www.EmpowerGrantDE.org.

All applicants receiving a grant award will be required to accomplish one or both of the following goals:

  • Increase the energy efficiency of low-income Delaware households that contribute to statewide electric and gas savings.
  • Engage with and inform low-income Delaware households about the benefits of energy efficiency and strategies available to them to achieve efficiency requirements


 About the Empowerment Grant Program 

Energize Delaware was selected to be the grant manager for $4 million in funds designated for low- income energy efficient programs for Delmarva Power customers. The funds originated from the Exelon\Delmarva Power Merger Settlement approved by the Delaware Public Service Commission. The Empowerment Grant Program will distribute the funds competitively to organizations capable of delivering energy efficiency programs to low income customers over a three-year period. Two distinct energy efficiency programs will be funded – Large-Scale energy efficiency programs and Community-Scale programs.

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