
In-Home Energy Check-Up and Counseling

The health and safety of our customers and employees is of the utmost importance. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask when scheduling your appointment below or by calling 855-314-9966.

Disclaimer: Energize Delaware is currently not working with Lowes and Home Depot on the rebates displayed on their websites.

An In-Home Energy Check-Up is a fast, easy way to increase the energy efficiency of your home and help you start saving immediately. An Energy Advisor will come to your home and check the condition of its insulation, heating and air-cooling system, lighting, appliances and more to identify simple ways to help save energy and money. The process for the check-up includes:

  1. Interview
  2. Walk-Through
  3. Energy Counseling
  4. Installation

How to Qualify

There are no income restrictions. Here are the required documents for proof of eligibility:

  • Photo ID for the applicant
  • At least one or more utility bills
  • Proof of income (pay stub or W2) or proof of benefit (Social Security; Supplemental Security Income; Temporary Assistance for Needy Families; General Assistance; Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women; Infants and Children; and/or food stamps award letter).


An Energy Advisor will perform a walk-through of your home to show you how you can reduce your energy use and save money. The Energy Advisor will assess the condition of the following items:

  • Insulation levels
  • Air leakage
  • Heating-and-cooling systems
  • Windows and doors
  • Lighting and appliances
  • Water-heating equipment

In-Home Energy Counseling

An Energy Advisor will provide a personalized overview of ways to save energy and improve the comfort of your home. Following the visit, you will also receive a report with information about energy-related programs for repairs, rebates and utility assistance.

Installation of free energy-saving products

An Energy Advisor will also install FREE energy-saving products, which may include:

    • LED light bulbs
    • LED nightlights
    • Faucet aerators
    • Efficient-flow fixed showerheads
    • Water-heater pipe insulation (installed on hot for 4 feet from the water heater)