

Federal Agencies and Resources

Federal Tax Credits for Energy Efficiency – details tax credit information available to residents and businesses.

Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE) is a comprehensive source of information on state, local, utility and federal incentives and policies that promote renewable energy and energy efficiency.

The Department of Energy – Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network provides information and resources on energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies.

ENERGY STAR® is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy helping us all save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and practices.

Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Energy Programs are working with state policy makers, electric and gas utilities, energy customers, and other key stakeholders to identify, design and implement clean energy policy and technology solutions.


The Alliance to Save Energy offers consumers the information they need to save money, increase comfort, and even reduce pollution through energy efficiency.

Energy Information Administration provides independent statistics and analysis on a variety of energy sources and topics.

Home Energy Advisor will help you locate potential energy saving opportunities in your home.

U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Savers:  Tips on Saving Energy and Money at Home (pdf)

Delaware State Agencies and Resources

Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (Delaware Energy Office)

Delaware Public Service Commission – the Delaware Public Service Commission (PSC) works to ensure safe, reliable and reasonably priced cable, electric, natural gas, wastewater, water and telecommunications services for Delaware consumers.

Division of the Public Advocate – The role of the Public Advocate is to advocate for the lowest reasonable rates for residential and small commercial utility consumers, consistent with a fair distribution of rates and maintaining reliable utility service.

Residential Associations and Resources

Building Performance Institute is a national standards development and credentialing organization for residential energy efficiency retrofit work – providing training, individual certifications, company accreditations and quality assurance programs.

National Association of Home Builders Green Building Program – green homes incorporate environmental considerations and resource efficiency into every step of the building and development process to minimize environmental impact. The design, construction, and operation of a home must focus on energy and water efficiency, resource efficient building design and materials, indoor environmental quality, and must take the home’s overall impact on the environment into account.

U.S. Green Building Councils LEED for Homes – a LEED-certified home is designed and constructed in accordance with the rigorous guidelines of the LEED for Homes green building certification program. LEED for Homes is a consensus-developed, third party-verified, voluntary rating system which promotes the design and construction of high-performance green homes

Home Performance with ENERGY STAR video series – this series will demonstrate what you can expect during a Home Energy Audit.

Guide to Green Mortgages / Energy Efficient Mortgages – Green, or energy efficient mortgages, let you borrow extra money to pay for energy efficient upgrades to your current home or a new or old home that you plan to buy.

Links for Businesses and Trade Allies

Portfolio Manager – This is an interactive energy management tool that allows you to track and assess energy and water consumption across your entire portfolio of buildings in a secure online environment.

Target Finder – Helps you set energy targets and receive an EPA rating for projects during the design process.

Tools and Resources Library – ENERGY STAR connects you with a broad range of tools and resources to help you implement a successful energy management strategy.

Green certified building information – For investors interested in energy efficiency in either conventional or green construction, meaningful answers that will go a long way towards ensuring a sustainable investment.

ENERGY STAR Building Upgrade Manual – The ENERGY STAR Building Manual is a strategic guide to help you plan and implement profitable energy saving building upgrades.

Energy Awareness Posters – Materials are available to help customize energy awareness programs in the workplace.

Recycling Fluorescent Bulbs and Tubes – a one-stop resources for information about recycling lamps.

Renewable Energy Associations and Resources

Delaware Public Service Commission – Delaware’s Renewable Portfolio Standard

Findsolar.com is provided by the American Solar Energy Society .  The site serves as a convenient, user-friendly means for homeowners and businesses to learn about incentives and the economics of solar energy and to find qualified professionals who can install and service systems.

The Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE) contains a list of all the solar power incentives. It is a great resource for those who want to find out which solar rebates and credits are available for a solar power install in a given state.

Developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, PVWATTS calculates electrical energy produced by a grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system.

RETScreen is a free software tool developed with the contribution of experts from government, industry, and academia. The software can be used worldwide to evaluate the energy production, life-cycle costs, and greenhouse gas emission reductions for various types of energy efficient and renewable energy technologies. The software also includes product, cost, and weather databases.  Best for experienced users.

American Wind Energy Association is a national trade association for the wind energy industry which promotes wind power growth through advocacy, communication and education.