Energize Delaware is updating the Delaware Energy Directory and Utility & Fuel Assistance Guide. The Guide is a resource for low-to-moderate income families in Delaware and a tool for service providers across the State.
We are looking for nonprofit organizations in each county with programs that offer small grants to assist with crisis alleviation, utility assistance (oil, gas, propane, water, electricity), emergency home repairs, weatherization, and mortgage assistance for low-to-moderate income residents.
The 2021 Guide can be viewed at https://www.energizedelaware.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/DE-Energy-Directory-1-8-21.pdf We have been in touch with a number of organizations but would like to help you get the word out.
Churches that offer services or have energy or home repair related programs in local communities please reach out and be added to the Guide. If you have a nonprofit that helps low-income Delawareans with winter emergencies. You can provide a brochure or flyer.
To be added to the Guide, we need your organization’s name, address, phone, contact email, web address, do you do this every year and information about what you do. If you have a brochure or flyer you can email that too. Email information to pr@deseu.org to be added to the 2023/2024 Delaware Energy Directory and Utility & Fuel Assistance Guide.