All program questions from homeowners (such as
billing and rebate inquiries) should be directed to 877-524-1339
Contractor Updates
and Reminders
Program Participants
Franklin Energy has MOVED. Our main office is now
located in Central Delaware in Downtown Dover. Please
send any correspondence to the address below and
update any contact information you have that may
contain the Newport address:
Franklin Energy, 500 W. Loockerman St., Suite 410,
Dover, DE 19904
Energy Auditors
Verification – A reminder to verify whether the
customer is new to the program or returning prior to
the assessment. Audits are valid for four years from
the day the audit was completed. After the four-year
timeframe, the customer is welcome to re-enter the
program but must pay the full cost of the audit. If
the assessment is less than four years old, the
customer may re-enter the program and use the audit
on file to qualify for rebates.
the audit is expired, you are responsible for
communicating to the customer that the audit will
need to be paid in full, by them, to qualify for
available rebates. Energize DE only covers one
assessment per address.
& Conditions – A reminder, there are two different
Terms & Conditions documents. One for the
assessment and one for the project. Remember to have
the assessment Terms & Conditions Agreement
signed before conducting all HPwES energy assessments.
You can find this document within OptiMiser OR in the
section of Energize Delaware’s Contractor Portal.
Home Performance with ENERGY STAR – We've seen a couple of project
completions recently where the customer qualified for
AHPwES but came through the Program as standard
HPwES. Please be diligent in identifying potential
AHPwES Customers. Our AHPwES income qualifications
and customer
can be found on the Energize Delaware website, under
Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY
here for additional Program
Virtual Home Energy
Energize Delaware is rolling out a new
online energy audit tool designed to help Delawareans
with a quick and easy method to virtually determine
if their home could benefit from energy conservation
measures. The goal of the tool is to raise customer
awareness of energy efficiency and to lead them to
the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR (HPwES) Program
assessment. Franklin Energy (the software creator)
will be sending each Trade Ally of the HPwES Program,
an email with instructions for how they can make this
tool available for to their customers. We encourage
our Program Partners to try the tool for yourselves
and go to You will need a Delaware zip code to
qualify. As always, please share your experience and
feedback with us at
Welcome Aboard!
The Energize Delaware Team would like
to give a warm welcome to all of our new Trade
Allies! Since the start of 2020, we have had 16 new
contractors enroll as participating contractors
within our Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Program.
Delaware HPwES customers now have 82 participating
contractors to choose from!

Get an Easy $50 for
Recycling Appliances
An old refrigerator or freezer can be
a home’s biggest energy waster, costing you more than
$80 per year to run. Delmarva Power now offers
convenient, no-contact pickups at no additional cost.
Let us recycle your old, working refrigerator or
freezer, and we’ll give you $50. Plus, get an extra
$25 if you recycle your working room air conditioner
or dehumidifier at the same time.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Delmarva
Power is only collecting appliances from designated
locations outside of customers’ residences, including
garages, outbuildings and porches. No-contact pickups
allow staff to safely collect and recycle your old
appliances while you remain safely inside your home.
For more information or to schedule a
pick up, customers may visit or call Delmarva Power at