Welcome Aboard
We would like to give a warm welcome
to all our new Trade Allies! Since the start of 2021, we have
had 12 new contractors enroll as participating
contractors within our Home Performance with ENERGY
STAR Program.
Delaware HPwES customers now
have 91 participating contractors to choose

Contractor Updates
and Reminders
Energize Delaware on your Website?
The Energize
Delaware team encourages all
our participating HPwES contractors to
market themselves as an Energize Delaware partner on
their website and any other marketing material. Doing
so will bring clarity to your Delaware customers
and strengthen your reputation here in
To ensure proper use of the Energize
Delaware program name and logo, please use both
in accordance with the requirements and guidelines
specified in our Logo Use Guidelines Agreement form. You can find this
form within your Contractor Portal. Email the signed and completed
form to DEGeneral@FranklinEnergy.com and the logos below will be
emailed to you for use. Download our Brand Guidelines HERE.

Renewal Requirements
All Participating Contractors are required to renew their
registration AS
remain active within the program. This is an annual
process that allows the program to receive updated
documentation from all our participating contractors.
All contractor renewal submissions were required by Friday October 1st, to continue participation in the
program. Please email the required documentation
below to DEGeneral@FranklinEnergy.com.
If you are a NEW
the program and have registered in 2021, you do NOT
need to resubmit any documentation.
>>Click here to read more about
Fireplace Awareness
As we approach the winter months,
heating systems will begin to kick on and energy
bills will start to climb. While some will depend on
the fireplace to take away the extra chill, many
fireplaces are reserved for special occasions and
will remain inactive for much of the winter season.
Metal chimney dampers are typically used to prevent
heat loss when fireplaces are not in use.
Unfortunately, most chimney dampers are not air-tight
and begin to warp over time. This creates a path for
warm air within the home to escape out of the
chimney. Now is the time to educate homeowners on
clever ways to keep the home warm in the winter
without spending more than they need to. One product
that can make this transition easier is the
inflatable chimney balloon.
>>Read More
Insulation Tips | What to look for
Insulating attics, knee walls,
basements, and crawlspaces are important steps to
take while improving the overall efficiency of a
home. However, insulating these areas without using
the proper materials and procedures can cause major
health and safety concerns. Before insulating, it is
important to look for flue pipes, chimneys,
non-IC-rated can lighting, and any other heat generating
elements that can be potential fire hazards.
>>Read More
Online Programs
Virtual Assessment

Energize Delaware has launched a new
online energy audit tool designed to help Delawareans
with a quick and easy method to virtually determine
if their home could benefit from energy conservation
measures. Identify simple, low cost solutions to
improve overall energy efficiency and save money!
The 10-15 minute, online survey
provides customized energy saving tips and
information. Visit https://www.energizedelaware.org/residential/free-virtual-assessment/ to learn more.
Online Marketplace

Energize Delaware has opened a new
online marketplace for home efficiency products, with
instant rebates available on select items at
checkout. Available items include smart thermostats,
LED light bulbs and advanced power strips, with new
products added as they become available.
Visit https://energizedelawaremarketplace.com/ to shop now.